
Dani Torres – Singer album photos

Pop band photo shoot for the Veny Styx Revolution album on the streets of Budapest

The Budapest film and photo studio Arts Illustrated Studios is pleased to announce that we created the album cover and image images for the new album of the pop band Veny Styx Revolution, founded by Dániel Torres. During the photo shoot, we used the graffiti-decorated streets of Budapest so that the edgy street style highlights the atmosphere of the album and the personalities of the guys.

Street style photography

The members of Veny Styx Revolution are real individuals whose music and style we wanted to present as such. That’s why we chose the city’s colorful and creative atmosphere as the location for the photo shoot. We used the free and dynamic atmosphere of the streets to make the guys’ style stand out in the pictures.

Veny Styx – Revolution

The team at Arts Illustrated Studios really enjoyed the shoot, and we would like to thank the members of Veny Styx for their fantastic collaboration. We hope the images turned out as well as we planned and that fans of the band will love them.