
Piac & Profit

Arts Illustrated Studios – Cover Graphics Project for Piac & Profit magazine

On behalf of Arts Illustrated Studios, we are pleased to inform you that we have established a long-term partnership with the business magazine Piac & Profit. In this project, we continuously create front pages that include photography, 2D and 3D graphics, captions and design.

Unique and Special Headlines

The diverse work of Arts Illustrated Studios resulted in unique and special covers requiring high creativity, precision, and design skills. During the project, we put a lot of emphasis on several rounds of consultation with the client so that the final result meets the client’s expectations in all respects.

Front Page Graphics – The Central Element of the Project

The front page graphic was the central element of the project. The professionals working in our studio have vast experience in the field of graphic design and have created graphic elements for business magazine covers that are attention-grabbing, interesting, and rich in information.

Arts Illustrated Studios is proud to be a long-term partner with the business magazine Market & Profit and for readers to enjoy the unique and special covers we create. Such projects give us an opportunity to show our creative talent and graphic design skills.