
Euroschool | Online Advertisement

Arts Illustrated Studios – Online advertisement for the EURO Language School

As part of our latest project, we made an image film for the EURO Language School, which has been operating for 22 years; we participated in the casting, and creating the creative concept, and our studio also did the shooting and editing.

Creative concept

The creative team of Arts Illustrated Studios participated in the development of the image film concept of the EURO Language School. The creative directors of the studio completed the advertisement with their ideas and suggestions. The result was a film that faithfully reflects the values and services of the EURO Language School.

Casting, filming, and editing

Arts Illustrated Studios also handled casting, filming, and editing. The studio’s experienced professionals ensured that everything was done with the utmost precision. The online advertisement was partly made in the EURO Language School and partly in the downtown studio of Arts Illustrated Studios in Budapest.

Youthful, dynamic image film

As a result of the collaboration between Arts Illustrated Studios and the EURO Language School, a youthful and energetic image film was created, which makes young people want to learn languages at the EURO Language School, and highlights the atmosphere and versatility of the school. Arts Illustrated Studios is proud to have contributed to this project and looks forward to further collaborations.